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Soucek, Bowen free ball boy from collapsed hoarding

LONDON : West Ham United players Tomas Soucek and Jarrod Bowen topped off their goal-scoring performances in their side’s 2-0 Premier League win over Crystal Palace on Saturday by rescuing a young ball boy at risk of being crushed in the celebrations.
Czech midfielder Soucek opened the scoring in the 67th minute of a tense game against Palace, prompting wild celebrations from the away fans who charged down to celebrate with their players.
However, their enthusiasm caused an advertising hoarding to come loose and pitch forward, trapping the ball boy underneath it.
Soucek noticed the danger and stopped celebrating, holding up the hoarding so the terrified child could wriggle out, with Bowen, who had been on Soucek’s back, pulling him through his teammate’s legs to safety.
“I just managed to grab him out as quick as possible, it was just instinct, just to do it,” Bowen said.
The 27-year-old England winger scored five minutes later before donating his match shirt to the ball boy after the final whistle.
